CK's Black Wascal
HOOK: 3X long streamer, size 2 to 10. Mustad 9672; Tiemco 5263; Eagle Claw LO58; Daiichi 1720
THREAD: Black 8/0 Uni-thread, Gudebrod BCS #118, or Danville 6/0 Flymaster
HOOK: 3X long streamer, size 2 to 10. Mustad 9672; Tiemco 5263; Eagle Claw LO58; Daiichi 1720
THREAD: Black 8/0 Uni-thread, Gudebrod BCS #118, or Danville 6/0 Flymaster
"Trout Flies Of The West" publication had this comment, " C.K. ("Crazy Kevin") Baily (P.O. Box 1735, Carson City, NV 89702) developed the Wascal for the giant Lahontan cutthroat trout of Nevada's Pyramid Lake. In years past, 20- to 40-pound Lahontan cutthroats were not uncommon in these waters, although today a 10-pound trout is considered a trophy. Although the Wascal is a time-consuming fly to tie, I believe you'll find it's effectiveness and durability are worth the extra effort."
Tying Instructions (right handed)
1 - Start your thread opposite the hook point, and wrap back to a point opposite the barb.
2 - Cut a good-sized pinch of fur from a dyed red rabbit pelt. Cut as close to the skin as possible and clean out most of the underfur with a few swipes of a dubbing needle.
3 - The tail must be fairly short, about the length of the hook gape. Measure the fur and hold it on the shank above the barb. Use your fingers to maneuver the fur around the shank and make two loose overlapping wraps. Make two or three more overlapping wraps and progressively increase the pressure. This will cause the rabbit fur to flare and spin around the shank.
4 - Before moving on, use your fingers to distribute the fur evenly. If you have a bare spot, add more fur as needed. Trim the butt ends as close to the thread as you can and make additional overwraps as needed. Cement the wraps with Krazy Glue taking care to not get any glue on the fur itself.
5 - Cut off four strands of red Flashabou making sure the ends are even. Hold them on the near side of the hook so the trimmed ends extend just short of the end of the tail. Using two turns of thread, tie down the Flashabou just ahead of the wraps holding the tail-use your thumbnail to spread it around. Take a few tight wrap back, then a few forward to secure the Flashabou over the wraps of thread holding the tail.
6 - Pull the excess Flashabou over to the backside of the hook, tie the Flashabou down and trim it to length. Repeat this tinsel-tying procedure on the top and bottom.
7 - Come ahead of the now fairly large "knob" of thread that's holding the tail and Flashabou in place. Create the body of the Wascal by working your way up the hook, making successive applications of black rabbit fur and holographic tinsel or Flashabou, using the same technique used for tying the tail.