23 FEB 2008 - ICRB Expo at the ShowPlace, High Point, NC

23 FEB 2008
- It is Rod Building Expo day!!! Rebecca & Dave headed to the ShowPlace around 0800. John is still taking it easy so we did not get there until noon. We listened to two different seminars and learned lots about fishing equipment and rod building. Came home to give Lucy a break and then returned. Rod Building Magazine, the hosts, gave a reception around 1830. Lots of raffle prizes were given away and Joe and I were lucky enough to get two. One was a bag of handy tools and Joe won a spinning rod from Calico Rods. It was a unique rod in that several different people participated in tying on the guides in different colors; and then signing the rod. It will hang in our coach.

24 FEB 2008
- The guys headed back to the ShowPlace for another day of seminars and visiting with the different vendors. Both came away with rod goop, tools and blanks. In the meantime, I once again wanted to show Rebecca some of the places I had visited years ago. I figuring it was close to 15 years ago that I lived in the area temporarily, during the sale of Piedmont and Allegheny airlines to Usairways. Anyway, I think I managed to bore Rebecca again, though she is too polite and respectful to admit it. I did not drive around in circles quite like the other day. I wanted to show her the amazing outlet malls they have in this area. These are true outlet malls of all major companies. Rows and rows, acres and acres of buildings. Once again, I did not find them. We did find one outlet store, JR's and found some good deals there. It was fun, though disappointing I was not able to get directions to the place I still see in my mind. And, that may be the biggest problem. Sorry, Rebecca. Upon our return, I did managed to get turned around and accidentally found Walmart on N. Main street in High Point. Some more good shopping. Thanks for keeping me company, Rebecca. The guys returned with smiles and gave the day two thumbs up.

25 FEB 2008
- We all decided to stay two more nights for rest and to sit tight during the next storm. Good plan. John and I went to town to drop off mail, visit the pharmacy and, oh gosh; while there, why not have a pizza. We went to Rome. Rome Pizza, that is. Different, Italian as expected and delicious. That evening we shared dinner with the Fuller's and watched the movie, Ratatouille. Happy day. Thanks, Rebecca for doing our laundry.

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    NameICRBE in the Showplace
NameInternational Custom Rod Building Show - before the crowds
NameAmerican Tackle
NameJohn V working on his rod
NameICRBE Fish Sticks
NameNicely outfitted kayak
NameJohn V with Calico crew and prize rod

    NameView out the Fuller's back window

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